E-hallpass, Ever Heard of it?

Paige Harding

There has been a new pass system implemented in the Saint Joseph Hallways, e-hallpass, which has had mixed reviews. Several teachers have mentioned their newfound love for the system, while others have found it confusing and that it has  ongoing bugs. It was first introduced to the students in mid-November of 2022 and is expected to be utilized by all teachers soon.  The permanent switch from paper to online passes will be made in February.

AP biology, regular biology, and Project Lead the Way teacher, Ms. Mary Kate Lamp notes, “It is an easy and great system to use to hold students accountable. It has been a tough transition and natural learning curve for everyone, but many are amenable to the change.”  

Students on the other hand are not as fond of this switch. With the pass being submitted online, it is more of a process for us students to set up, submit, and wait to be approved. Before, we were simply able to just walk up to the teacher and have them write the pass with little to no problem. 

With a new system comes pros and cons. Several of the pros are there are no more physical passes being written that could possibly get lost, all of the passes are able to be tracked by any teacher through e-hallpass, and holding students to a higher responsibility in the halls. A few cons would be if the internet is down, that leaves the website almost impossible to use, as well as it needing to be taught to everyone who is used to the physical pass system. 

Whether they are on paper or online, passes are a necessity during the school day. So, making sure the system is efficient for all is most important.