Teacher Spotlight: Dan Mentock

Paige Harding

Dan Mentock is a well-loved teacher in the Saint Joe community. Having worked at Saint Joe for 15 years, he has been very fortunate to have taught at the old Saint Joe building on North Michigan Avenue and the current location on Notre Dame Ave. With that being said he made a commitment to come back next year but will likely retire the following year. Before teaching at Saint Joe, he spent 18 years working in Market research.

Mentock teaches honors Geometry, Algebra 2, and Finite (discrete) math. When he is not teaching, he often finds himself going to baseball games, playing in his slowpitch softball league, golfing, and fly fishing. Mentock shared, “My favorite Saint Joe memory was the 2017 baseball state championship game.” He also took pride in mentioning how he was born in the six month period when there were only 49 states – which leaves his birthday as June 15, 1959. 

Originally from Cody, Wyoming, he attended Cody high school. Although he is not an alumnus of Saint Joe, all three of his children are. His oldest Andrew was in the class of 2008. Next, he has a set of twins Erick and Jordan from the class of 2009. Lastly, He has a grandson, Roman, who is turning 9 in February. 

He is a vital member to the Saint Joe teaching community and math department. If able, make sure to stop by room 226 to say Hello!