No Valentine? Tips on spending Valentine’s day single.

Brian Gring, Staff Writer

Alone on February 14? Going without a valentine this valentine’s day? Fear not. Millions of people are in the same boat, and the holiday can still be fun and memorable without a special someone. Here’s some tips to making the most out of Valentine’s day without a significant other.

  1. Go Out With Friends – Odds are every friend group has more than one single individual. Spend some quality time with your friends. You can head to the theater, go out for dinner, do anything as long as it’s as a group.
  2. Spend Time With Family – As long as it doesn’t interrupt a parent’s date night, spending Valentine’s day with your family is a great alternative. Once again, nearly any activity will work, as long as everyone’s involved.
  3. Finish Old Projects – If you have an unfinished project around the house, now’s the time to get it done. Something needs repairing? Repair it. Boxes of unused tech equipment pilling up? Start setting things up. When in doubt, be productive.
  4. Take Time For You – Mental health is important, and if you’re alone on Valentine’s Day, it’s a good opportunity to take a mental health day. Start a creative project. Read a book. Write poetry. Do something relaxing and stress-free.

When all else fails, just treat Valentine’s Day like any normal day. Spend time with the people you care about, and keep your head up.