Why You Should Get Goodreads

Ava Rousseve, Reporter

For the reading community, Goodreads is a beloved social media platform. Here are a few reasons that the app is perfect for book worms.

1.) You Can Track Your Reading Progress

Goodreads has a feature that allows you to set a goal of how many books you wish to read for the year. Then as you track your books, it will tell you if you are ahead or behind your goal. This is an easy to way to encourage yourself to read more!

2.) Friends Can Share Their Opinions

The best part of Goodreads is reading your friend’s reviews after they have finished books. It’s super fun to see what your friends thought of your favorite books and possibly argue if they disagree. This also makes reading more fun as you can immediately share with friends when done with a book.

3.) The App Recommends Books

Looking for new books in your favorite genres? Go to Goodreads! The app gives you a quiz that analyzes your book tastes so it can then recommend new books you might enjoy. The reviews are also a great way to see

4.) Join an Online Bookclub

You can join an online book club with people where you post in an online discussion about your books. This is a great way to meet new people who also share a passion for talking about books.

Get a Goodreads if you are dying to share your opinions about your favorite and least favorite books!