Ideas For Fourth Quarter Service Hours
April 22, 2023
It’s that time of year again St. Joe! Fourth quarter service hours are due on May 6th. That’s in just two weeks! NHS hours are also due soon; for seniors, the tutoring hours are due on May 1st and juniors have until May 15th. Here are some ideas and all the information you need to get those service requirements completed.
SECO Clean Up
What: The SECO club will be cleaning up Portage Manor for Earth Day! Come join to help pick up trash and enjoy refreshments with the club.
When: Saturday, April 22 11am-1pm
Who: Email [email protected] for more information
Unity Gardens
What: Unity gardens often have open volunteer times where anyone is able to join and help work in the garden.
When: Saturday, April 29 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Who: Go to the link for more information. A calendar is on their homepage presenting different volunteer dates and times.
Our Lady of the Road
What: This organization needs help organizing clothes and food donations. Volunteers do not need to sign up before serving, just arrive and be ready to help.
When: Saturdays 8-11am and Sundays 8-10am
Who: Any questions can be sent to [email protected]
ADEC Basketball Games
What: This opportunity asks volunteers to play basketball games at Bristol Elementary School.
When: Weekly Wednesday matches from 5:30-8pm at Bristol Elementary School
Who: Look at the opportunities page on Mobile Serve to sign up or email Mrs. Erin Eitler at [email protected] with any questions.
Phone-a-Thon (For NHS members only)
What: If you are a member of NHS you can help with a phone-a-thon thanking donors at the Mission Advancement Office.
When: April 24 during Flex and in the evening (2 shifts 3:30-5:30, 5:30-7:30)
Who: Check your canvas email for a link to a sign up genius from Ms. Fuller.