Why take Student Media?

Why take Student Media?

Brian Gring, Staff Writer

Want to be more involved in the Saint Joe community?

Enjoy watching your fellow classmates on morning announcements?

In need of an additional elective?

Student Media is the perfect course!

Student Media (taught by either Mr. DePauw or Mrs. Smolinski) combines the former News and Broadcasting and Newspaper classes into one course in charge of both the St. Joe Square and Morning Announcements. 

As part of their weekly assignments, students have one of 3 tasks, writing an article for the square, making a video for the morning show, or being on the production team for morning announcements. Students are divided up into ‘teams’ and will share a schedule with everyone on the team. Every class, one team will have an article due, one team will have a video due, and one team will be on the show. 


  • Freedom: Choosing what to report on for the square and for videos is entirely up to the student (per approval of the teacher). 
  • Flexibility: Upon completing the daily assignment (article, video, show), the rest of the class time is free to work on other assignments. 


  • There is a guaranteed assignment every class, but most should not take a great deal of time.
  • Coming up with ideas on what to report on can become difficult as time passes in the year.

Students who love being on camera can choose to be anchors on the morning show. Students who would rather be behind the camera, can actually be behind the camera. Students who want to be in control of the technical aspects can run the video tricaster or the sound board. 

Student Media is the one course that has something for everyone!