Service Hours Are Due May 5th

Kasem Minzey

As the school year is coming to an end, the time available for service hours are also. Service hours are due Friday, May 5th so be sure to get them in before time runs out. Within the next couple days, there are a couple of great opportunities to get hours in if you’re looking for last minute ideas to get service in. One opportunity is that ADEC is looking for volunteers for 2.5 hours of service on Wednesday.

The ADEC Basketball Game’s are looking for volunteers every Wednesday from 5:30-8:00 at Bristol Elementary School. The volunteers get to play basketball against individuals being served by their organization. Not only does it count for 2.5 hours of service, it is also a fun activity to do to get out of the house on a Wednesday night.

When you are able to get your service hours in, you are to turn them in on MobileServe. You can either log in on your computer or get the app on your phone. To log in hours, you have to go to the home page and on the bottom of the page there is a button that says “Log Hours”. When you press this, two options appear, you want to press “Log Service Hours and Location”. As you get into the page titled “Activity Details” you enter the date when you volunteered for the service, how many hours you volunteered for, and the organization you served for. After this is all complete, you want to drop down the category section and click “Care for God’s Creation”. It will ask you a question regarding how the service served God and all you have to do is write down a couple sentences that explain it.

When this page is done, you want to click “next” on the bottom of the screen to switch to the verification page. Be sure to get a supervisors name and email while you are serving for the service hours to count. You will have to enter his/her name and email for them to verify that you did do this service. After this is complete, you are able to press “Submit Hours” and now you are all done.

Remember, it is never too early to start service hours for next year. If you are able to do all 20 hours in the summer, you are able to submit them all in so you can be done for all of next year.

Make sure to stay on top of your service hours Saint Joe!