Monday’s Not Coming by Tiffany Jackson takes you on a roller coaster of emotion with this stimulating piece.The novel starts by introducing us to Claudia, an 8th grader from Washington, D.C who is the only person thats takes notice that Monday, her best friend is missing. If you’re the one reading this, then you’re the one going on the journey to find out what happened to Monday.
What’s enjoyable about this novel is how real it felt when reading it. You are taken into the DC culture with the slang and actions that are indicative of the area. Jackson does a great job of showing the differences in the home life of the two girls. Also with catching the happy and sad times that they shared together while dealing with middle school, drama and family life.You can almost immediately get the dark feeling that something bad has happened to Monday. That chases you throughout the book as Claudia unveiled what happens.
What was Interesting about the book was the constant dismissal of Claudia’s concern for Monday being missing. Claudia is an only child with parents who have sheltered her. Her mom especially keeps tight control over her movements. Having her do things like check-in with the local librarian every day after school to leave what she calls “breadcrumbs.” Claudia is naive about a lot of things that were going on around her, which may play into why she was so comfortable with her concerns being dismissed. From school officials to police and even Claudia’s parents, everyone would find a way to brush off the fact that Monday was gone. While reading you can find yourself getting really upset at the fact that no one is listening.
Overall the awareness that the story brings to crazy things that can slip past people is mind changing. If you want a novel that will bring awareness to addiction, child abuse/neglect and poverty then this book is definitely for you.