The Christian Service program at Saint Joe provides students the opportunity to serve God, the Church and the world. Students are required to serve 5 hours of service per quarter, 20 per year, and 80 hours by graduation. By completing these such service hours, students serve because Jesus Christ served and called all who follow him to serve. Saint Joseph High School hopes to develop a heart for service within each student. Students are formed with a habit that enables them to incorporate service into their lives.
With first quarter coming to an end in the next few weeks, 5 service hours are due and must be submitted, via moblie serve. Possible service opportunities are sent out through the app mobile serve and students can sign up through the app. Other opportunities include reaching out to Cultivate Culinary in South Bend and volunteering there on your own time. The Ronald McDonald House is also a great way to gain some service hours, by dropping of homemade baked goods or meals for the people there, you can gain service hours out of it, but you can only serve here once per year. Students can also be on the lookout for Saint Joe food drives that the school organizes for service hours.
More places to volunteer include, Christ Child Society, Humane society, Logan center, nursing homes, and even the unity gardens. There are hundreds of opportunities here in Northern Indiana that students can be apart of. Before logging y0ur service, take time to reflect on it. Was you’re service completed Spiritual? Intellectual? Human development? Be sure to log all details on mobile serve including a short description of what your service consisted of and make sure you submit it on time!