Isabella Shula class of 2024 at Saint Joseph High School. Shula shows school spirit tremendously through extracurriculars and is a double sport athlete.
Captain Izzy Shula has been a four year competitor on the girls swim team who shows leadership to her teammates and peers by various acts of kindness. Shula also decided to give the cross country team a try this year at St. Joe. While balancing these two sports, she also finds herself excelling academically.
“I balance XC and swim by utilizing flex time and focusing on one thing at a time.”
While being involved in two sports, Shula shows great passion for school academics as well. Izzy is excited about the upcoming swim season and hopes to make this last one count.
Shula is part of the Mathletes club because she enjoys the opportunity to flex her mathematical ability and collaborate with others to solve challenging problems.
While Shula is undecided about college, she can confirm that she wishes to go out of state and study biology. Her favorite memory at Saint Joe is “doing sports with friends to create even longer lasting memories.”