On Thursday, September 28, the girls retreat was held during a regular school day. A couple days before the retreat, the sophomore girls were asked to bring things such as water, snacks, napkins, or fruit based on the first letter of their last name. They were also asked to bring a signed permission slip in order to go to St. Jospeh Catholic Church, where the field trip would be held.
When we first entered the school building, we had to go to the Black Box to check in and turn in our permission slips, as well as our phones. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to go walk to St. Joseph Catholic Church. For that reason, the retreat was held in the school. In the Black Box, Mrs. Baglow went over directions, described how we have sisterhood and put us all in separate groups. Awhile after, we went to the Chapel for Mass. When Mass was over, we all went outside to the football field to play a game or take a walk. We then went back inside and had lunch.
After lunch, we went back to the Black Box and had a discussion where our group leaders spoke. We had a small reflection where they gave us something to journal on then had snack time! Afterwards, we had to go back in our groups and had four stations to go to. The four stations were: Adoration at the Chapel, ballet, Stations of the Cross, and making Rosary bracelets. We would rotate until each group went to all of them. Then we had a Just Dance break before having another discussion. When our break was over, our group leaders had answered questions from some of the girls. Later on, Mrs. Kershner talked to us about our purpose. Following this, we had to pick out a random name from a basket and whoever we got, we had to pray for them! Overall the retreat was fun, some of the girls even say that this retreat was better then our freshmen retreat!