Studying does not need to be something that it individual, if you have been studying by yourself and it’s working, keep going, but if you are not seeing much improvement, try studying with a friend or classmate. Your classmates might have things you did not know you needed, or some extra information you forgot to right down, so if you have not already, give studying with friends a try.
When studying many only briefly look over the study guide, or skim over some readings/notes, but if you go over the notes and highlight things that were difficult for you to comprehend and leave the easier material unhighlighted, it will become easier to remember the harder information, making you more prepared for your test. So make sure you do not just skim over once or twice, but rather go over once, highlight difficult information, go over twice, and see if you could remember what you did not before. Repeat this process until you are confident enough for your test. And don’t forget to take a break, when you study for too long you start to lose focus, so scientist recommend every 50-90 minutes you should take a break for around 25-30 minutes.
When you study you should find a quiet place with the least amount of distractions as possible, places like a library, your room, or any quiet place you can find where you know you would focus best.
You should start studying around 7-10 days before your exam day according to “The University of Pittsburgh,” they say this is when you should start studying before you exam because it reduces stress, it is better to study 10 hours over 10 days, than 10 hours over 2. So spread out your review as much as possible.
It is important to study because it increases your confidence going into the test, and also makes the material more known in your head, so by studying you will do better on the exams making you grades go up preparing you for the next level of education in college.
Having a plan will reduce stress. For example, if you have more than one test, make sure you have a set start and end time of studying for a exam, and than a start and end for the next study session. This makes sure that you get both done, and not over study one subject and then forget about the other. And make sure you phone and all other distractions are away from you. Phones, and all other distractions cause procrastination and makes it far harder to study than if you had them away from you.
Whether you have a big test, or quiz, make sure you use these studying tips to help you ace them, good luck Saint Joe!