So you want to draw a map. Map sketching is a very noble profession and is considered once of the best starting places by many a fantasy author. However it may be difficult on figuring out where to start but in this article you will learn some techniques on how to draw a map dependent on certain factors so lets start with the rice method.
The rice method is the easy method because you require not experience or even a image in your head of what you want the map to look like. To do this take a handful of rice and dump it one a piece of paper, next take a pen or pencil and trace the outline that the rice makes, and then once your satisfied wipe away the rice and you’ll have a fairly nice looking map. This method allows one individual to mass produce maps at a incredibly pace and almost any land mass shape can be achieved.
However what if you had an idea in your head of what you wanted your map to look like but don’t have much experience with sketching. Instead you could go with the Shaky Hand method (such as the map viewable above). Its best used with a mechanical pencil and can come out very good with a little practice. Simply start sketching the general idea of what you want your land mass to look like and let you hand shake a bit as you sketch out its general shape. You’ll find that your map looks incredibly natural (side note this can also be used to make nice looking clouds).
So you have your newly made map but are unsure of how to fill in the details. Mountains and rivers are rather easy with realistic looking mountains incredibly achievable by making a curved angle shape and rivers are just curving lines that travel towards the edge of the map from a mountain or lake. As well a hill is just a half oval or circle. Trees are a little harder as they have many variations but using a fluid motion starting with the trunk to the leaves then either a curve halfway down or a line will give you have the tree. Afterwards just mirror that on the other side and fill in the newly made triangle or half circle.
With these two map sketching tools and detailing directions you will be able to make basically any map for any purpose just remember that where there is a mountain range typically one side is much more humid then the other so if you decide next to a mountain range you want a rainforest be aware a desert is likely going to be next to it. Happy map making.