So you want to become better at the children’s party game Super Smash Bros. Whether this is to simply beat your friends or become the best player in the world,this three step guide will help you on your path to becoming a better Smash player.
The first step in getting better at Super Smash Bros is learning to vary your attack patterns. Each character in Smash Bros has at least 16 moves so their are many to choose from each situation. Think of each move as tool in a tool box or a different color of paint for a painting. In the same way a painter usually doesn’t use purple when they are painting trees or a builder doesn’t use a hammer to screw in a screw a good Smash player doesn’t use slow moves when their opponent is free to simply run away or a smash attack when the opponent is at 0%. Learning a characters moves and when they are good is imperative for someone to get better at Super Smash Bros.
The second step is learn your character’s combos. Smash, like any fighting game, has a variety of different combo and each character has at least two moves that start a combo. Combos are very important because they are much better at getting damage on the opponent than simply hitting them with on move. There are many youtube guides that can tell you each character’s combos from the simplest two move beginner combo to crazy difficult 19 move combos. Learning simple combos will be a very important step in getting better at Smash and are easy to practice by going into training mode and following the steps in the video.
The third and final step is learn how your character matches up against the rest of the cast. You can do this by simply playing against the character a few times but if you find yourself losing to the same character despite who’s playing it you may be encountering a bad match up for your character. When this happens you should take to the internet and watch tournament clips of people playing your character against someone playing the character you lose against. You don’t have to take active notes since simply watching a few of these and actively thinking about what the person playing your character is doing to win the games is very important.
After you’ve completed these three steps you should find better results in your Smash Bros. exploits and will likely be able to beat anyone who hasn’t completed these three steps. Happy gaming.