In recent months the Saint Joseph High School executive student council has been reforming and reshaping the Student Government Constitution to reflect current practices. The last time the Constitution was updated was in 2012 under the moderation of Mr. Benjamin Dillon. The current amendments will be presented to the full student council on April 15th for approval as a part of a ratification process.
The current update is mainly focused on making more detailed instruction on responsibility and disciplinary action along with campaigning. The 2012 edition of the document largely left to moderator discretion. With changes in moderation being a frequent occurrence Mr. A.J. Reynolds initiated the process to update the constitution with more specific guidelines.
Over spring break the executive officers, President, Jerry Barca, Vice President, Sam Norwood, and Secretary, Elliot Mark analyzed the current document and made improvements. The council will meet again later in the week to finalize their decisions.
Currently, new responsibilities for the executive vice president to manage the Saint Joseph High School News NetWork have been added. Additionally, more clear cut responsibilities have been outlined for class officers and representatives along with more strict punishments for not fulfilling them.
On Tuesday April 7th, the monthly Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC), consisting of the presidents and vice presidents of each class was held. The constitution and improving the requirements to run for office were the topic of discussions. The PAC has consistently been present in the amendment process with members pushing their class councils to add suggestions for amendments.
The updated edition to the constitution is on track to be completed before the end of the school year. This update will create a stronger, more organized student government.