New school year means new football season! The varsity game schedule can be found here: Saint Joe Athletics.
New football season is very exciting for the football players but it is also thrilling for us students! Football games are a chance for us to socialize, watch a game, and to be apart of the SJHS community. If you have never been to a high school football game, don’t worry this is all you need to know about them.
If you are unaware, at football games there are themes that guide the decorations and what the students wear for the game. This is a great outlet to show your school spirit at the games and to show the team your full support. Examples of Football game themes last year are White Lies, Pink Out and Hawaiian. The upcoming themes have not been decided yet but, will be announced before each game on the announcements. If you do not want to follow the theme, another way to dress is by wearing school Spirit wear that can be purchased online at the Spirit Shop.
The student section is for all of our SJHS Students and it is a time to show your excitement for the game. Students enjoy organizing cheers to do in the student section to show support for the team. It is a great thing to participate in. The student section is not a place for trash talk, bullying or any negative behavior. Football games are a time to show school spirit!
Another great thing about the football games is the food. If you get hungry there are multiple options. The concessions are filled with candy, snacks and beverages to keep you filled for the whole game! At certain games, food trucks like Kona Ice come and students are able to purchase ice cones.
The first football game will be on August 23, 2024 at Lakeland High School at 7:00 PM! Let’s start the season off with the most school spirit as possible!