A lot of parents say that video games are bad for your health, such as rotting your brain, etc. But in reality, they can be good for you. According to the Cleveland clinic(website), games like “Candy Crush” and “Tetris” helps people develop better strategies for certain things. Also, people who play video games for more than 21 hours a week, perform better than people who play video games for less than that amount of time. What did they do better at? They tested for impulsive behavior and memorization. Impulsive behavior is when you act without thinking.
Also, games such as FPS’s can greatly impact hand-eye coordination. Hand-eye coordination is important because it can help with everyday tasks, such as holding a pencil, writing, and even if you are old enough to, it helps with driving. At least that is what Oscar Wylee(website) says. Also, from several of my friends, they all have said that video games can help with therapy. This is good because it can help you calm down, and relax more. Also, video games can help you with problem solving. I myself have played games that have helped me with problem solving skills.
So, the next time that you parents say “get off the game, it too bad for you,” you can go ahead and show them this.