Do you ever feel like you’re glued to your phone? Nomophobia, is the actual word to use when you have a fear of being without your phone. Studies have shown that over 50% of teenagers admit they are addicted to their phones! Being addicted to your phone can cause effects, like being sleep deprived, short attention span, and many other side effects. It can also prevent you from branching out of your comfort zone, like finding new hobbies! Here are some activities you can do besides being on your phone.
There are two easy activities to do besides being on your phone. First is exercising. Even if it is just a 10 minute walk or walking up and down the stairs. Working out is one healthy and a good way to take any stress out! The benefits to exercising is better sleep, better energy, and improvements on mental health. Another way to distract yourself from your phone is journaling. Journaling is a good way to write your thoughts and goals in life. It is also known to improve mental health and embrace self confidence.
Another alternative is cleaning. Although it might not sound fun at first, there are many ways to make it fun. Such as playing music while cleaning and even dancing as you clean! You can invite a friend to help out too and clean together or make it a game and time yourself on how quickly you can finish cleaning. Not only is this activity better than being on your phone, but it also benefits you mentally by not staring at a messy house!
Overall their are so many activities you could do besides being on your phone. As to cooking a new recipe, meditating, playing with your pets, or even just getting fresh air on your face. Just doing 15 minutes of any activity can boost your health, physically and mentally.