2019’s The Joker, directed by Todd Phillips, portrays the origin story of the title character as he turns to crime. Arthur Fleck – played by Joaquin Phoenix – lives an isolated life in Gotham City, taking care of his ailing mother, Penny. He works as a clown for a booking agency and moonlights as an aspiring stand-up comic, daydreaming about making it onto local host Murray Franklin’s show. Arthur has various mental health issues, which include uncontrollable fits of laughter; he’s on a cocktail of numerous medications and attends therapy. His condition, combined with working as a clown, makes him the target of abuse and humiliation both from strangers and those who are close to him. Having no friends and being confronted with such brutal home truths, Arthur’s mental state deteriorates further and makes him slide into violence, merging with his alter ego: the Joker.
The new sequel Joker: Folie à Deux, goes really deep into the development of such an iconic villain by introducing a musical twist in the most unexpected fashion. Joker: Folie à Deux deals with psychological changes to Arthur Fleck while his character is molded into Gotham’s infamous Joker, but this time around, with a few musical numbers intertwined with the dark narrative. With Lady Gaga cast as Harley Quinn, the musical elements reflect the chaotic, delusional world in which the characters are living. With its blend of gritty realism, haunting performances, and music, this sequel promises something different and captivating-both for the fans of the original and for newcomers.