Quarter one just came to an end, moving us closer and closer to finals. It may only be the start of quarter two, but it will pass by fast and before we know it, finals will be here. So, get an early jump on studying in order to be all ready. One really good way to study is making a slideshow for each class you have, and adding a new slide every class period on what was learned that day. Once finals are about two weeks away, you can look back on those slideshows and review over them, jogging your memory on things you need to know. Other ways to study include a variety of things from making quizlets to going over flashcards. In order to have effective studying, make sure you pay attention in class and take good detailed notes that you can go back to.
The start of quarter two also means you need to have five more service hours done! If you have not gotten all twenty of your hours, make sure to find some places you can volunteer at. Sophomores, make sure you get your SBL assignments done for quarter two.
This quarter, make sure you turn all your assignments in, work hard on homework, and be sure it is your own work. Already having gone through quarter one, you know what your teachers expect of you and what you should expect of the teacher. Know what classes you need extra help in and find ways to ask questions when you are confused. Study tables are open most days of the weeks, schedules can be found hanging up in the halls. Make sure you stay on task, and prepare for finals!
“Make sure to do your homework the night you get it if possible, or at least the night before it’s due. Waiting to do it the day of is so much more stressful,” notes sophomore Evolette Williams.