The Michiana area offers many places to celebrate Halloween. One favorite is Zoo Boo at the Potawatomi Zoo – with rides, candy, and animals – perfect for families with small kids. Another place you could go to for halloween activities is Bendix Woods for Boo! on the 26th. You could also go to Spirit Halloween with friends and or family to pick out costumes. Many events land on October 31 which is Halloween itself. In the town of Lakeville nearby there is gonna be a hallows eve from seven to ten pm.
Trick or treat is available at the University Park Mall, and there is also a trick or treat at the Berrien County Historical Association Museum from five thirty to seven thirty pm. The Embassy Suites near Hilton offers a true crime murder mystery dinner from seven p.m to ten .m. Another local favorite is the Niles Scream Park which is a very popular place. Another Halloween party is at the Lerner in Elkhart at six p.m and they are expanding it to the street parade during the Elkhart Artwalk from five to seven-thirty p.m. Since Halloween is a very popular Holiday there are going to be way more parties and gatherings then the ones listed hear in this article and feel free to check them all out. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!