Molly Arnold, a Saint Joe Freshman, has been an outstanding swimmer for the Girls Swim and Dive Team this year. Molly gives us an inside look at what it takes to be an excellent swimmer while staying focused in her school life.
Molly was inspired by older friends and teammates from a young age to join a club team and become a full time swimmer. She “knew it would be a lot of commitment but was excited for it.”
She competes in the 100 breaststroke and 200 freestyle, and is a huge asset to the 200 medley relay and the 400 free relay. She had swam all her life, but when she turned 7 she knew she wanted to join a club team. With older teammates as her inspiration, she was excited to grow in the sport and continue swimming. Her favorite memory on the St. Joe team so far has been “being able to meet lots of new people and build new friendships.”
Molly would love to swim in college if she gets the chance, and is open to going anywhere. She is involved in Aiden’s Masterpiece and HOPE Club. She balances her school and swim lives by working hard to get all her assignments done in flex, that way afterschool she has time to prepare and go to practice.
Advice she would have for those who are interested in joining the swim team would be “it’s a lot of commitment and hard work, but its a good life skill to learn, and it’s a fun team to be on!”