This year, the Saint Joseph Theatre Program is performing the musical Anything Goes.
An assortment of lovers, stockbrokers, criminals and other strange passengers board the cruise liner S.S. American. Although the passengers complain that it is boring without the expected celebrities on board, the would-be-simple trip is quickly complicated by identity theft, accusations of mass murder, and multiple love triangles. The ensuing shenanigans cause the trip to spiral and devolve into chaos with a general air of insanity from start to finish.
Anything Goes is full of difficult musical numbers and dances (especially tap) that the cast has been learning since December. The build crew has been working tirelessly on the set – an even more ambitious design than the buildings for A Fiddler on the Roof – since the beginning of the semester in order to complete it by tech week. The “Mad Hatters” (costume crew) have put together a massive wardrobe (a total of 144 costumes I believe) for the different characters and dance numbers, including some vintage pieces from the 1940s. The resulting production is coming together into a work that is definitely worth seeing.
The showings are on Thursday, February 27 and Friday, February 28 at 7:00 p.m. as well as Saturday, March 1 at 2:00 p.m. The house opens 30 minutes before the show. Tickets can be bought at the door for $5 each.
The actors, build crew, run crew, costumers and orchestra have all worked tirelessly to put together an amazing production for this weekend, so make sure to come see it.