Remembering our History

Alumni Gym in the original Saint Joseph High School
January 24, 2021
The Saint Joe we know today was only built in 2012. The catholic school first opened in 1953 with gender segregated classrooms and hallways. After the school grew more popular they allowed coeducational classrooms in the 1960’s. The faculty consisted primarily of Sisters and Brothers of Holy Cross. Most of the building was torn down a few years ago by the property owner, the University of Notre Dame. Holy cross uses part of the old building for offices, labs, and more space for art programs.
Since the new school was built, people have been happy with the renovations. The students’ opinions from the first year attending the new school were diverse. Some were nervous about getting lost and moving through crowded hallways, and others were excited to explore a new environment and were appreciative for being in a new school. People expressed that the new school was more open and everyone was thrilled to be in an atmosphere with air conditioning. The new building was seen as a gift to the Saint Joe family considering the differences. Things like technology, sport facilities, and just the overall beauty of looking out the windows made people more excited and interested in attending. The new Saint Joe building will be a strong foundation for many years but the old building will be remembered by many.