March for Life Respects Life

Katie Kloska

The upcoming two Fridays at the end of this month of January are very important days for supporting life of the unborn. The first Friday, the 22nd, is the National Day of Prayer for the unborn, and Friday the 29th is the March for Life.

As a Saint Joe community this year, we will not be traveling together to Washington D.C. due to the pandemic still going on, however it is available to be watched live for anyone interested. In the past, over 100 thousand people gather in the country’s capital to celebrate life and protect the Row v Wade ruling that legalized abortion. The March for Life creates awareness of abortion. Especially now, we need to pray for protection of the unborn babies.

An excerpt from a recent statement from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops says “…our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender. Of deep concern is the liberty of the Church and the freedom of believers to live according to their consciences.”

As Catholics we are called to defend all lives from the moment of conception to natural death. Over the course of 2020, there have been 24 times more deaths from abortion than COVID worldwide; 42.7 million deaths from abortion compared to 1.8 million deaths from COVID. Let’s fight for the little ones who can’t fight for themselves!