QB Intramurals: The Championship and Season Recap

GO INTRAMURALS! Something Funny successfully beat the teachers of Signing Bonus, before getting pounded by senior Max Niebur.


Quiz Bowl Intramurals started and ended this month, with their championship game on Sunday. The season was relatively short, spanning only three weeks for three games total, and lasting from March 14 to the 28. The games were held Sunday afternoons from two to four, with an ever changing roster of teams playing.

Throughout the season, three teams total played, including ‘Signing Bonus’, ‘Something Funny’, and ‘Ah, I’m Not Sure’. Signing Bonus members included Ms. Colleen McLinden, Miss Mary-Kate Lamp, and Mr. Ben :Dillon, while Ah, I’m Not Sure, which only played once, was comprised of Clare Keller, Louisa Davis, Sean Gibson and Zoe Tembo. Sophomores Genevieve Lake, Keaton Smith, Katrina Fay, Lauren Eggleston, and (occasionally) Seth Badics made up the most consistent team, Something Funny, which played all three games of the season. McLinden, Lamp, and Dillon, in addition to making up one of the playing teams, also moderated the whole ordeal.

The road to the championship was not easy. Due to a lack of members, there was no real bracketing system, as there might be in a more heavily populated sport, but all teams gave it their best regardless. On March 14th, Signing Bonus and Something Funny went head to head for the first time ever, with the former winning 295 to 255. Something Funny then went on to win their next two games! One was against the fleetingly played (and then never seen again) Ah, I’m Not Sure, with a final score of 475-155. Something Funny also won their championship game against the teachers from Signing Bonus, winning with 405 points to 245, and earning them the title ‘Intramurals Champions’, as well as a commemorative t-shirt.

As a final farewell to the season, Something Funny also played senior Max Niebur. Predictably, they were smashed into the ground with an end score of 460-135. Regardless of wins, make sure to congratulate any QB Intramurals players in the halls– they played hard, and they played to win!