Best Buddies International at Saint Joe

Best Buddies International at Saint Joe

If you are struggling to find your place at Saint Joe, join our branch of Best Buddies. Best Buddies is an international nonprofit organization that’s mission is to make the world a more inclusive place, where people with intellectual disabilities can enjoy the same opportunities and quality of life that everyone else does. We do this through four main pillars. One-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living. Middle school and high school branches are usually focused on raising awareness, one-to-one friendships, and leadership development.

Best Buddies has branches functioning in all fifty states within the US. Each branch of Best Buddies works specifically with their local communities, and most of these branches are based from middle schools, high schools, and universities. 

The Saint Joe branch of Best Buddies was founded in 2018. The current president of our branch is Jacob Deahl, and other officers you can reach out to in order to join the club include Abigail Ortiz, Audra Meyer, Theo Mager, Gabriel Nanni, and Dani Graham. Our moderator is Mr. Reynolds. 

At Saint Joe we aim to raise awareness of intellectual disabilities within our school community, because we never want anyone, with or without disabilities, to feel isolated. So if you are looking for a purpose at Saint Joe or in the world, try Best Buddies, where the work you do makes everyone feel special and truly contributes to making the world a better place. 

Any activity planned by Best Buddies does count as service hours, so please encourage your peers to become involved with the club!