Winter Driving Advice

November 15, 2021
Winter is upon us and with cold nights come frosty mornings. Driving with your car frozen over can limit visibility and put yourself and others at risk on your drive to school. Also, the cold and icy weather means some extra responsibility when driving your car. Here are some tips and hacks to keep saint joe drivers safe as a chill sets in on the Bend.
First, if you do not park in the garage make sure you get outside a little early to turn on the defrost in your car. Make sure the ice and snow are fully brushed away so that your windshield is 100% visible before you hit the road.
Another quick fix to a frozen windshield is a simple mixture of apple cider vinegar and water sprayed on the windshield. This solution will lower the freezing point and clear up the unwanted icy coverage. After a few swipes of the windshield wipers, you are ready to go.
Getting stuck in ice or a snowbank is never ideal but with South Bend’s climate, it is always a possibility. Anti-freeze salt or pellets are useful to keep in the back of the car in case you should find yourself in need of a quick melt.
As the temperature drops, it is important to make sure you are always prepared for wintertime mishaps. Keep the back of your car fully stocked with a coat, hat, and gloves. Keep a first aid kit, a car brush and scraper, and the aforementioned antifreeze salt or pellets.
Stay safe St. Joe and drive smart this winter.