Prayer Blanket Ministry

December 7, 2021
Prayer Blanket Ministry is a great way to get involved with the school. Prayer Blanket gets you service hours after your second meeting. During meetings you iron on both a cross and heart to a piece of fleece. Along with cutting out said heart and cross. The fleece also has little slits cut in it around all four sides. The purpose of the club is to let people know that they aren’t by themselves. Before Covid the blankets would be delivered to people in nursing homes. There is also a small prayer tucked inside of the blanket after it is folded and tied with a ribbon. The blankets are placed in baskets around the school including the chapel and pastoral ministry office.
All students have to do to take a blanket is leave their name and the name of who the blanket is for in a binder. This binder holds all the prayer intentions of the people who have the blanket. The club prays for the intentions at the start of each meeting. The club and its members have prayed and helped over a thousand people at Saint Joe alone, not including the blankets delivered to nursing homes.
Prayer Blanket Ministry has already started this year but it is not too late to join or come to a meeting. The meetings are every week on Tuesdays after school until 4 to 4:15. The meeting take place in Mrs. Kershner’s room at the end of the Theology hallway. The meetings are run through Mrs. Jeanette McKew and you can email her at [email protected].