SADD club
SADD Club member Luci Flanagan poses with a skin color positivity poster she’s hung up. Photo credit Lauren Eggleston.
November 22, 2021
What is the SADD club? SADD stands for students against destructive decisions. SADD club is all about educating students about the dangers of drinking and driving for example. Drinking and driving was the original mission of the club and its members. Now of course it has begun teaching about texting and driving and peer pressure. The club members focus on role modeling and ways to prevent destructive decisions. The club is all about educating young kids and students on the dangers of the world and how to avoid them.
The club also focuses on prevention on all these topics including underage drinking, drug use, and teen violence. Teen violence is also known as youth violence is when harmful behaviors begin in one’s childhood and continue into adulthood. These include bullying, fighting, and usage of weapons. These acts can be life threatening, emotionally and physically.
SADD club also deals with other important issues including texting and driving. As that was a part of the original purpose of the club. SADD club has done research showing how quickly things can change especially when in the car. There are many distractions that the club warns about which include texting, drinking, speeding, and even the amount of passengers in the vehicle.
SADD club is run by both Mrs. Fransted and Mrs. McNulty. There are meetings both Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. In which you can email either teacher for more information. In the end SADD clubs focus is on making a safer environment for everyone starting with students at Saint Joe.