A Student Guide: Procrastination Edition

November 12, 2021
The long awaited Thanksgiving break is over. Now, students and teachers are counting down the seconds till Christmas. The holiday season offers us so many relaxing and fun opportunities, including snuggling up on the couch and watching Christmas movies or looking for the perfect gift for our friends and family. But the holiday season happens to align with every teacher and students least favorite time of year: finals. The end of the semester usually entails students turning in their missing work from September, and teachers trying not to pull out their hair as they realize how much grading they have to finish before the holiday.
Three weeks is only twenty-one days, and during those days, you are expected to tie up the loose ends in all your classes. If you are missing an assignment, you want to make sure you get it finished before break, because it’s better to be late than missing. As teachers begin to type up the final study guides (if you’re lucky enough to get one), you want to start to plan on when you are going to fit in those study sessions. Remember, while memorizing the material might be helpful in the moment, understanding the content will get you a lot further in your high school career. And hey, maybe one day you will be on Jeopardy, and the million dollar question has to do with a proof you learned in Geometry…(doubtful but not impossible)
As many teachers and administrators suggest, getting your homework done the day it is due is very helpful. The day you were assigned the assignment is the best time do it, because the material you learned in class is fresh in your mind. It also gives you the opportunity to ask your teacher any questions before the next class. Unfortunately, the cycle of homework is pretty consistent, but do not forget to take breaks in between!
The most common mistake I hear among students is the regret of trusting their future selves. Saying to yourself, “Oh, I’ll finish that on Sunday” is probably the biggest lie you’ll tell yourself. Unless you hold yourself accountable or set aside a specific time to achieve your academic goals, I’m sorry but you will not get it done. You have to be honest with yourself, otherwise the hole you have dug will continue to get bigger. With that being said, take a physical or mental note of day that you will get everything done, even if it’s a week in advance. Your future self will love you.
At the end of the day, learning how to manage your task list is key. Some advice? Setting low expectations really helps, because when you do actually finish an assignment that you did not think you would get done, you feel like you’re ahead of the game. But in reality, you just completed an assignment that will help you pass the class. It is all about your mindset, and how you approach academics can really affect your performance at school. Make sure to check those assignments off your to-do list, as well as prioritize study sessions these last couple of weeks!