Service Opportunities
September 16, 2022
Need service hours before the September 30th deadline? Some service opportunities that are still available are Unity gardens every Wednesday, Our Lady of the Road every Saturday and Sunday, and the Food Bank of Northern Indiana which is open till 8am-4pm on weekdays and on Wednesday till 5pm.
Make the best of your service hours. Service should be an opportunity to grow in relationship with God, not a task that has to be done. I didn’t realize this to my sophomore year that service isn’t something you just have to do to graduate high school. It is something you can do to grow with God. So this semester when you do your service hours, think about how you can grow with God and help the people in need instead of going through the motions.
For anyone that is new to mobile serve it is easier than it initially appears. First, if you don’t have an account then talk to Mr. Brown about getting one. Next, click the log hours button on the home page. Then, submit the amount of hours that you have completed and where you completed them in the service org slot. After that, select a category on how your service relates to God’s teaching and explain what you did. On the next page, add your supervisors name and email address so you can get your hours confirmed. Finally, click submit hours and your done! If you have any questions or need help talk to Mr. Brown