December 1, 2022
Mrs. Fink and Felicity Nolan, class of ’22, created Catholic Relief Services as a club last school year. CRS (as it is known for Catholic Relief Services) is an international service that works with”organizations around the world to help poor and vulnerable people overcome emergencies, earn a living through agriculture, and access affordable health care.” CRS supports education, agriculture, emergency response, and recovery.
Senior Lucy Williams explains, “CRS club is a space for students who are passionate about humanitarian aid and caring for those in need to come together and work towards change in our local community and on a global scale through advocacy and fundraising.”
CRS has several meetings throughout the school year to discuss upcoming events and work on CRS international action items. The club just had a recent meeting discussing their event called “The Twelve Days of CRS.” The Twelve Days of CRS is an event that ends with a teacher getting pied in the face. Every day the CRS Club will pray for a specific cause and donate money for them. Also, representatives will be at lunch to collect money for what teachers will get pied. Twelve Days start on December 1, 2022, and end on December 16, 2022, with the pieing after school on the 16th of December. The Club also organizes the Lenten Rice Bowl that goes into every classroom for students to donate money to the poor; more information will be sent out after the break.
To learn more about Catholic Relief Services go to:
To join CRS Club email Mrs. Fink or President Lucy Williams at:
[email protected] or [email protected]