It’s the beginning of December, and finals season is upon us. If you are not sure how to start studying, have no fear! These are ways to organize and execute a studying plan for finals.
The first step of studying for finals is to make a schedule of what to study and when. You will need to figure out what classes you most need to study for and prioritize them. Figure out what days you can devote to studying and give each class a certain amount of time.
When you’re scheduling your studying, make sure you are not cramming in a subject at the last possible moment. Make sure you are scheduling consistent periods of time over the next few weeks to study the material. For subjects that you are struggling with, devote the most time to studying them. For subjects that you are not worried about, make sure you are reviewing the material, but still reserving the most time for the subjects you need to work on.
After you have scheduled what classes you are studying for and when, check your teachers’ Canvas pages for final study guides. This will help you prioritize what material you will study. Items on the stud guide are the most important to study, while extra material is good to study for better understanding, but not as important.
Lastly, use all of your resources to study. Take notes during class and use those, as well as any notes or other materials the teacher gives you. It is important to use everything that you can so you better understand the material and do well on your tests.
Good luck with finals, Saint Joe!