The Move to Mode 2
As shown half of the student body will be physically in-person and the rest online, on a screen. NBC News June 25, 2020
September 20, 2020
Saint Joseph High School slowly maneuvers towards in-person classes this week with a change into Mode 2.
Students will have scheduled times to come into school. Face masks are required at all times in the school. Also a health screening will need to be submitted each time before coming into the school. Whites days will start at 8:15, like normal and go to 3:10-3:15 with a staggered dismissal, class periods 1,3,5,7. Blue days will start at 8:15 as normal and go to 3:10-3:15 with a staggered dismissal as well, class periods 2,4,6.
The student body are assigned to either group A or B so half the students are in person and half are online. Online Students will have the same schedule as in person. Teachers will be setting up all assignments and power points through canvas unless told differently directly from the teacher of the class, in person or not. For online students, many teachers are giving zoom or big blue button video calls to teach through a live feed while the in-person students are in their class.
Most of the material teachers give for their students will not be on the calendar this session. Majority will be found in modules, pages or assignment tabs in the particular course. All submissions are submitted through canvas unless directed differently by a teacher. Mode 2 will be conducted until the safety precautions lift and we can completely go back to school safely and healthy.
Pay attention to for more information and latest news on Saint Joseph High School. Students watch your emails from teachers so you know when new assignments are created and if they have any questions or concerns.