Five Service Site Recommendations

Ellie Curtis, Staff Writer

It can be hard trying to find a place to do community service. It’s great to serve your community, but it can be difficult to find a place that you feel comfortable at. In turn, maybe you want to challenge yourself and learn new skills to help your community but don’t know where to go. Here are a few suggestions:

If you are an animal lover, try volunteering at the Pet Refuge. According to their website, those looking to volunteer can work in the cat, dog, or office departments. Those working in the cat and dog departments need to make sure the animals are well-fed and watered; they will be required to clean litter boxes and play with the dogs. They could also be responsible for helping find the animals a forever home. Those looking to volunteer in the dog department must be eighteen years of age or older, and will be asked to serve a minimum of four hours per week.

The Women’s Care Center is a great place to volunteer because it is so close to Saint Joe and they are always looking for volunteers. Volunteer work includes working in the office, babysitting while parenting classes are in session, restocking essential supplies or be a cashier at their store. Volunteers may also be asked to help coordinate events to help the Women’s Care Center thrive. 

Hannah’s Home has a similar environment to that of The Women’s Care Center. Volunteers may be asked to help clean the building, perform administrative tasks, organize and accept donations, do minor fundraising, or work directly with mothers and their children. Depending on which level and age group you fit into, the work will vary. 

The Food Bank of Northern Indiana is the perfect place to volunteer if you prefer more organizational work. Volunteers are asked to help stock and ship orders of food to those in need, separate items and organize them in the workhouse, or create weekend food packages for children. Shifts for volunteers are limited to Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

The Boys and Girls Club is a great place to volunteer if you like to work with children. Volunteers may be asked to help with homework, help with art activities and sports or simply be a friend to someone who needs it. The environment has a positive vibe and is perfect for people who love children and helping others face-to-face.

Volunteer work may vary based on the department or age group one fits in. More information about each location’s volunteer opportunities can be found on the websites listed below.

Other recommended service sites can be found under the “Christian Service” tab on Saint Joe’s website (