Saint Joe Football Game Protocols

Hey Saint Joe! We’re already well into the football season and it’s important to remember how we can prevent COVID-19 from spreading at our games. Here’s a quick list of reminders to keep yourself and others safe.

Spectators for home games will be limited, so you need to get your tickets in advance of the game. Every person needs one to enter, and they won’t be available at the entrances. There will be an announcement each week when tickets are ready for pickup, and a digital ticket option may be coming soon as well. Finally, please note that away games won’t typically have tickets available to students, but if there are there will be an announcement to notify you.

One you have a ticket and are at the game, you need to make sure you wear a mask at all times and be mindful of your health and the health of others by practicing social distancing. Go straight to your seat and avoid congregating in groups or standing around. You also cannot cross to the opponent’s side of the field and stands. Lastly, after the game, you MUST leave immediately and not loiter in common spaces or the parking lots. It seems like a lot to follow, but it is for everybody’s sake so we can beat this virus as fast as possible.

Thank you for reading, and stay safe Saint Joe!