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Where Saint Joseph High School gathers to share

the Square

Where Saint Joseph High School gathers to share

the Square

Where Saint Joseph High School gathers to share

the Square

What is Presidents' Day, Anyway?

What is Presidents’ Day, Anyway?

Braedon Troy, Staff Writer
February 7, 2023

     A few short days from now, Saint Joseph High School will celebrate a wonderful break from academics, thanks to a four-day weekend. Yet admittedly,...

February's OTHER Holidays Deserve More Love

February’s OTHER Holidays Deserve More Love

February 2, 2023

February is a cold, grueling month for most, which is likely why society has spiced it up with some holidays. However, one of those holidays tends to get...

Martin Luther King speaks to a crowd at the 1963 March on Washington

A Day of History, Service, and Celebration: Martin Luther King Day

Braedon Troy
January 23, 2023

On a late April afternoon in 1968, America’s greatest civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on his Memphis hotel room balcony....

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