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Where Saint Joseph High School gathers to share

the Square

Where Saint Joseph High School gathers to share

the Square

Where Saint Joseph High School gathers to share

the Square

The Fall Play!

The Fall Play!

Emma Ditty
October 24, 2024

  This year's fall play is Mystery at Whimbowly Manor! The fall play is October 24 and 25th at Washington Hall on Notre Dame's campus. The...

Diaper Drive

Diaper Drive

Kate O’Shaughnessy, Student writer
October 1, 2024

On Thursday, October 3rd St. Joseph’s Right to Life group is organizing its annual Diaper Drive, an event that brings the community together to provide...

Best and Worst Places to Study

Best and Worst Places to Study

Lillian Banks
September 26, 2024

It's often hard to study, and it's even harder when you don't have an effective place to study. Finding a good and effective place to study can impact...

Clockwise from bottom L: Lucy Reynolds, Natasha Bain, Michael Wagg, Anna Crichlow, Sam Hill.

A Cast of Five Actors Take On a Shakespearean Giant

Margaux Hannewyk, Editor
February 1, 2024

On January 24 & 25, many students from Mr. DePauw’s AP English Language and Mrs. Barca’s AP Literature classes took an evening trip to Notre Dame’s...

The History of Halloween

The History of Halloween

Grace Kidder, Writer
October 21, 2023

The famous holiday of Halloween is often celebrated by dressing up and then hunting for as much candy as possible. However, it is also demonstrated by...

South Bend Tribune Photos of NIC Tournament

New Head Coach Serving in the Saint Joe Tennis Community

September 25, 2023

Serving up a storm in the tennis world is Mathew Halfpenny as he was hired as the new head coach of the Saint Joe Boys Tennis team in April of 2023. Halfpenny...

Cross Country City Meet

Cross Country City Meet

Jason Kintzele, Staff
September 8, 2023

The boys and girls cross country team participated in the City Meet last Thursday at Erskine. Both teams did very well with boys junior varsity winning...

Tears Drop as The Legend of Zelda Releases Another Masterpiece

Tears Drop as The Legend of Zelda Releases Another Masterpiece

Daniel Cyr
September 3, 2023

In early May of this year one of the most anticipated games of the past 5 years finally released. The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is the sequel...

April Community Award Winners

April Community Award Winners

Kasem Minzey
April 24, 2023

During our all-school mass in April, we recognize Bishop Rhoades as he visits Saint Joseph High School. During his visit, Bishop Rhoades took the time...

Saint of the Week: Francis Xavier

Angel Orozco
November 23, 2021

Saint Francis Xavier, was born April 7, 1506 in Navarre, Spain. He grew up and received his early education in Xavier, later studied at the University...

The Pigeon Project during WW2.

Cool Animal Facts

Jace Stasney, Reporter
November 19, 2021

Hey Saint Joe! Who doesn't love cool animal facts? I know I do.  Here's a list of some of my favorites: When tortoises are low on the calcium that...

Underclassmen Adjust to High School This Year

August 30, 2021

As the 2021-2022 school year kicks off, there are not one, but two classes of freshman, one metaphorical. The sophomores, class of 2024, had an unconventional...

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